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Interlibrary Loan

Instructional guide for using the ILL system

Interlibrary Loan

ILL Borrowing and Document Delivery

The Golden Library is a member of a national network of libraries that borrows and lends material as a mutual courtesy. All circulating interlibrary loan material, as well as library material, must be returned to library by due date. The library has no control over the availability of material, nor the lending terms and renewal policies set by lending libraries.

  • Portales campus students, staff and guests pick up items at the Circulation Desk
  • Items requested by Portales campus distance learning students and off-campus faculty will be sent directly to homes (please include desired mailing address in the notes field)
  • Items requested by Portales campus faculty will be delivered to faculty offices
  • Articles are electronically delivered to ENMU email accounts
  • Interlibrary loan requests for textbooks will no longer be filled. 

For additional information, please contact or by phone at 575.562.2644.

Ruidoso users

Special instructions for users affiliated with the Ruidoso Campus: At your initial ILL request, please telephone or e-mail Steven Yeager using the information on this screen, and provide your full name, your ENMU ID number, and your current address. 

When requseting physical material through the ILL system, make sure you select the Ruidoso campus or you home address for the delivery location.

How to access ILL

To login to the ILL request page, your login will be your ENMU ID number. 

For first-time users: 

Click on the "set/reset password" link to create your unique password for this system.

Access Interlibrary Loan here: 

ILL Login/Register

Personalize your ILL Information

After you log into your ILL account, you can opt to receive text messages, as well as update your contact information.

How to order using ILL

The more information you have about what you want to order, the better. 

To order a book:

At minimum, include the TITLE.

If you can, include the AUTHOR, as well. 

Additional identifying information such as the DATE of publication, or the ISBN, can also be useful.

To order a book chapter, select the "BOOK" request form, and make sure to fill in the field that asks for the chapter title. 

To order an article:

At minimum, include the TITLE.

If you can, include the AUTHOR, as well.

Make sure to include the JOURNAL TITLE where the article is published. 


How to Find ILL Materials

For books and book chapters, start by using the WorldCat, a catalog that searches many other libraries' collections, and lets you see which libraries have the items you are looking up.

For articles, Google Scholar is another useful source.