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Library Information

General information about the library.

Provisions for Online Instruction

Faculty and instructors, please contact fill out this form to schedule library instruction for your class. We can do recorded or in-person instruction. You may also direct your students to our online tutorial videos available in a modular format.

Objectives and Goals

Overall Goal: Students are empowered in the research process, understanding how complex and nuanced information is and how librarians and the library contribute to their college experience.

Multi-tiered approach 

1) Instructor/ Professor Education: Canvas course to be created and test piloted in the future

  • Professors/ Instructors seek librarians out and/ or include library resources and instruction effectively in their own classroom

2) Freshman Year Experience (FYEX) One-Shot: already in place

  • Students approach us with questions and seek out research assistance when needed
  • Reference services are provided to students equitably, all students receive the same level of attention no matter with whom they interact

3) One-shot instruction: already in place

  • Library resources are included in-class assignments, and professors develop a relationship with the librarians. Students deepen their relationship with information and the librarians.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to find library resources to assist in their college academic experiences.
  • Students will be able to use the library discovery tool to locate information.
  • Students will be able to identify three beneficial elements of the GSSC.