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Social Work

This Guide will provide links to resources, databases, and other helpful information for Social Work students.

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Databases for Social Work Research

Google Scholar Search

[Note: Google Scholar is a Google search through peer-reviewed sources, but you may find results that are not held by ENMU. You can request those articles through Interlibrary Loan.]

Relevant Titles

Finding Search Terms

Identify the key concepts in your thesis statement, as these will become your search terms.

  • think up a few synonyms for your search terms; they may yield more results than your original search terms. All databases use "controlled vocabulary" which dictates what results will be retrieved—if the database does not recognize the search term you use, it may offer few results, even though there may be a lot of information on your topic. Use "Refine your Search," and "Find Similar Results" links to further target your search
  • when searching for scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, make sure you check that box on the search screens.

Starting your search

Library OneSearch

The Golden Library OneSearch enables you to search everything in the library at one time, including books, music, films, journal articles, eBooks, etc. If you are searching only for journal articles, using individual, subject-specific databases is highly recommended. (Look to the right for area specific databases.)

  • To search everything at once, enter your search term in the box
  • At the left-hand sidebar, limit your search by format.
    • For eBooks, click eBook box in the left-hand sidebar, then the title link and the "View eBook" link
    • For print books, films, music, etc., click the appropriate box(es) in the left-hand sidebar, then the title link and look for location code, call number and availability.


If you are searching for materials not held at ENMU, use the WorldCat search.To request a part (article, chapter) or all of a resource (whole book), please use the Interlibrary Loan program, information found in the Interlibrary Loan tab above.