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Interlibrary Loan Student Worker Training

All students working in the interlibrary loan department need to complete this training.

What does Interlibrary Loan do?

The interlibrary loan system allows ENMU students, faculty and staff request material not available in the Golden Library's collections. Additionally, other libraries can request material from the library's collections. There are two main components to the interlibrary loan system are:

Borrowing requests: These are request started by a member of ENMU's community for material (books or journal articles)not available in the library's collections. Patrons initiate the request from either the library's catalog or from Interlibrary Loan tab on the library's home page. The request is processed and sent to libraries that show they have the material. The lending library will then send the material, either in physical or digital format, to the Golden Library for our patrons to use. 

Lending requests: These are requests from other libraries for material (books or journal articles) available through the Golden Library's collections. The borrowing library's request is processed and the material will be sent, either physical or digital format, to the borrowing library.

ILL Student Work Job Description

Interlibrary loan student workers are vital to the smooth operation of the interlibrary loan system. ILL student workers, unlike Circulation student workers, have little direct contact with library patrons. ILL student workers follow the guidance and instruction of the ILL Librarian and Technician to make sure both borrowing and lending materials are processed and delivered.  The main responsibility of ILL student workers is packaging and ensuring physical items are properly delivered.

  • All lending items and borrowing return items are packaged and shipped properly.
  • All physical items requested by faculty or staff are to be delivered to their respective offices or mailboxes.
  • All physical items requested by students on the Portales campus are to be delivered to the Circulation Desk for pick-up.
  • All physical items requested by distance learning students must be processed, repackaged, and shipped to the address provided by the students. 

Daily Work Tasks

  • Check back mail basket (Usually arrives around 10am) 
  • Check and process incoming ILL requests through OCLC 
  • Make required delivers to faculty when needed 
  • Check for returned/outgoing ILL request at the circulation desk 
  • Keep supplies filled and ILL work station clean/organized
  • Keep "Overdue Books" spreadsheet up to date


ILL Tips and reminders

  • ILL will vary day to day. Please pace yourself as some day will have more work to do then others.
  •  If all other tasks are complete then free time can be spent on homework.
  • Keep in mind that Special collections is cold (65 degrees or below) and you may want to bundle up. 


  • Mail delivery time will vary and may be picked up by Chaz or deliverd by the post office.
  • Check the incoming mail bin daily for any incoming lending an borrowing books.
  • Loans are our books being lent out and “should” return with our book strap.
    • Check in all loans through both ILL and circulation.
    • Note any damage (water damage, ripped pages, marking, etc.) that may have been on   the returned book. 
  • Borrowing books have the  borrowing library slip/sticker on/in the book. 
    • Borrowing requests are given to the  ILL assistant to be processed in and then given back to be delivered to faculty or taken to circulation 
    • Make sure book has a “check out” slip and place book on ILL out going book shelf for circulation.
  • Make sure to organize all mailers and boxes into the desk drawers and bins.


  • Borrowing requests that we recive for faculty should be delivered to their respective office/mail box as soon as possible.
  • If possible try to deliver the item directly to the patron to ensure they have received the item or have any questions.
  • When making deliveries make sure you wear your name tag (If applicable) and introduce yourself from ILL to the faculty and confirm thier name on the book strap.
  • If the item is for library staff please deliver the item directly to their office if applicable. 


  • *If a faculty asks if they need to sign for the book politely say they don’t, and its only for circulation pickup.