The interlibrary loan system allows ENMU students, faculty and staff request material not available in the Golden Library's collections. Additionally, other libraries can request material from the library's collections. There are two main components to the interlibrary loan system are:
Borrowing requests: These are request started by a member of ENMU's community for material (books or journal articles)not available in the library's collections. Patrons initiate the request from either the library's catalog or from Interlibrary Loan tab on the library's home page. The request is processed and sent to libraries that show they have the material. The lending library will then send the material, either in physical or digital format, to the Golden Library for our patrons to use.
Lending requests: These are requests from other libraries for material (books or journal articles) available through the Golden Library's collections. The borrowing library's request is processed and the material will be sent, either physical or digital format, to the borrowing library.
Interlibrary loan student workers are vital to the smooth operation of the interlibrary loan system. ILL student workers, unlike Circulation student workers, have little direct contact with library patrons. ILL student workers follow the guidance and instruction of the ILL Librarian and Technician to make sure both borrowing and lending materials are processed and delivered. The main responsibility of ILL student workers is packaging and ensuring physical items are properly delivered.