Full-text availability is indicated at the bottom of the citation in the Results List and in the left column when viewing a full record.
The Library subscribes to several dozen EBSCO databases. The search screens will look very similar, but some of the limits and other functions may differ slightly. Subject terms are NOT consistent from database to database.
1. Searching Academic Search Ultimate
To begin searching enter search terms in the boxes provided.
2. Setting Limits and Refining Search Options
Limits can be very helpful in focusing a search and may be set at any time during the course of a search.
Limits may be applied using the search options on the initial screen, prior to beginning a search. The default category for Boolean/Phrase is usually sufficient.
Note: Limits vary in the individual EBSCO databases.
Limit examples include:
Each record may be saved and managed individually or records may be saved as a group.
Images search is available by clicking on the More link in the bar at the top of the page. The images search provides photographs of people, places, flags, and maps. Useful for historical information.
Choose Databases link provides a menu of all EBSCO databases.
Ask a Librarian service is available from any result list by clicking the link in the right column.
Sign In is an EBSCO feature and allows users to save search histories and results, preferences, share folders with others, and more. Each individual must create their own account.