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Library Tutorials

This guide contains helpful information for searching, library, and internet resources

Academic OneFile Instructions

As soon as you access Academic OneFile, you are at the Basic Search page. In the search box, you can enter your article title, author or the keywords you have chosen for your topic.

Basic Search Tips:

  • Put quotation marks around a phrase to search those words as one unit rather than separately.
  • Use AND between keywords to search for books containing both terms.
  • Use OR between keywords to search for books containing either term.

You can also use the dropdown box next to the search box to change where you are searching:

  • You can search the subject, publication, or entire document

Advanced Search

To get to Advanced Search, click the Advanced Search link (looks like a magnifying glass with a plus sign) in the grey menu at the top of the page. 

  1. Pull-down menus at the far left let you choose to join keywords in those boxes with AND, OR or NOT.
  2. Pull-down menus immediately to the left of the search boxes let you choose what field you want to search for your keywords:
    • Keyword - searches the author, title, subject terms, and abstract.
    • Entire Document - searches all of that, plus the full-text of the article.
    • Subject - searches for your terms in the database's controlled vocabulary.  
    • Author - self-explanatory.
  3. Checkboxes allow you to limit your search to:
    • Full-text articles.
    • Peer reviewed articles.
    • Documents that have images.
  4. Other features:
    • You can limit your search to documents published within a certain date range. It is set to All Dates by default. The boxes where you put in the date range only appear once you click Before, On, After or Between.
    • You can also search by document type. 
  5. There is a special Publication Title search box at the bottom to use if you want to search the article title. 

A Note About Results

Results from this database, unless limited, will not all be full text. Results can be citations, abstracts, full text, reports, articles, or essays.