During the 2024-2025 academic year, librarians are available to conduct an OER Workshop for faculty within each department. You are welcome to request the workshop through your department head or to contact Laura Wight at: Laura.wight@enmu.edu to schedule a department workshop. Conducting workshops at the department level allows us to tailor the presentation and resources to your discipline.
The library will also offer general OER Workshops and OER Publishing 101 Workshops throughout the academic year, open to all faculty and staff.
Upcoming Faculty OER Workshops:
November 1, 2024 - Friday - 3:00-4:00pm, Golden Student Success Center - pre-registration required, link will be posted soon.
This 1-hour workshop for faculty focuses on understanding students' financial predicament and its impact on their academic success. We introduce faculty to open textbooks and the benefits they can bring to student learning, faculty pedagogical practice, and social justice on campus. Faculty are invited to engage with open textbooks by writing a brief textbook review in the Open Textbook Library (OTL) as part of the faculty development workshop. Faculty who complete the OER Workshop and write a review of a textbook in the OTL are eligible to receive a $200 textbook review stipend. More information will be distributed at the workshop.
Upon completing the OER Faculty Workshop, participants will be able to: