The Golden library maintains a selection of course reserves for students use. Each semester instructors request specific items be held at the Golden Library Circulation desk. The loan period and restrictions are determined by each instructor. Items restricted to 2-3 hours must remain in the GSSC. The item and material type may change every semester. Students are advised to check with their instructors about any items on reserve.
The Golden Library also keeps a Textbook Collection for students to use.
Electronic Reserves:
In addition to the physical Course Reserves the Golden Library also maintains a collection of Electronic Reserves. A link to the Electronic Reserves and Nursing E-Reserve pages can be found at the bottom this page or through the Electronic Reserve Page. Like the physical collection, electronic reserve material may change every semester as instructors add and remove material. Students may need a password to access articles in the Electronic Reserves which can be provided by course instructors or through the Golden Library Reference Desk at 575.562.2638 or . Students are encouraged to ask their instructors if required reading articles are located in the Electronic Reserves.